The Primary: I received somewhere in the range of 37 to 40%, likely, of the total vote (another 2 weeks of vote counting), it's just the first few steps of many towards victory in November. Regarding all of my great supporters, I'm going to need your votes again in November, and it's my and my campaign management team's job to get more voters to join you to form the majority in November, or a plurality if that's what it comes to.
My voters' pamphlet statement received criticism by some, but if you think it's OK for the government to decide what kind of entertainment we can have, with the threat of closing it down if it doesn't meet their criteria, ideal or moral standards (and they wouldn't stop at just entertainment), then you deserve the authoritarian government that you vote for, but I think that America has a libertine tradition that most of us cherish. Also, if you think we should continue shrugging off nuclear weapons (and on the whole, they're bad) without at least trying to, multilaterally, tamp down their numbers, K.M. Reeves is your candidate.
I'm sure that part of the padding of Reeves' numbers comes from years of the partisan Federal Way Mirror's political columnist's, and perhaps others' on their payroll, junk journalism, which even Democratic Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell has decried at times. Nonetheless, tomorrow is a new day, and there's lots of time to change minds, not to mention time to awaken the Great Sleeping Giant: non-voters and the registered voters who didn't vote in the Primary. Who knows, I might even find that "Ace in the Hole," again. Thank you to all who voted for me, and I'm still in it to win.
Post-script: I may be anywhere from 13 to 10 points behind a majority, now, but in 2015, for a different office, I was 20 points behind a majority, and 14 or 15 points behind the plurality vote. I made up 16 of those points in the General, which only left me 4 behind a majority vote in a two-candidate General Election race. A comeback is a coming.