Fake News

The poor, failing Federal Way Mirror may have to rev up the presses again to keep me out of office, smearing my reputation with distortions and lies, something they have been doing continuously since voters in 2015 famously ignored their advice to keep me out of the General Election for Council that year; as this year, I'm considering a write-in Council bid for Position 6.  They really, really, do not want a Common Man's Candidate anywhere close to City Hall, and it shows, as they have now stooped to fearing a non-corporate funded write-in campaign.  A write-in campaign -- really?  Who's worried about a little write-in campaign, especially one that they have no intention of covering if it came about. 

Yet, nonetheless, I may appeal, in the campaign sense, to what sparse civic comity there is over at that tabloid -- one with too much power over elections in F.W. -- as with any company, everybody doesn't toe the line.  Of course, I don't expect nothing from them.   A new Council campaign, if there is one, would have to be won strictly on the ground. 

By the way, Federal Way Community, I've said this in past posts, but there really is not a black male curmudgeon over there writing smack in the guise of "Mr. Federal Way;" yet, it's amazing how many people are fooled by that caricature.  As the Ringling Brothers' P.T. Barnum once said, there's a .....

-- Mark Greene, Official Candidate For Mayor of Federal Way
