The League's Rating Is Old News, But Provides A Lot of Inspiration

It's old news, but I was really shocked by the Municipal League of King County's rating for me in the 2015 Federal Way City Council race, and I still haven't gotten over it.  That could be an albatross, but it's turned into something good, because if I was ever thinking about quitting politics beforehand, those "Muny devils" have so inspired me to defy them, by winning an office, that I'll actually be politicking door-to-door for the first time in 32 years.  And there will be days this year when I don't want to go outside my apartment, or speak to anyone, when I need to campaign, but thinking about them for a second will boost my energy and spirits.

At the time in 2015, I thought it was as likely for me to get the lowest rating from them than it would be to take a trip to Mars, that's how shocked I was.  I was also like Tom Brady of the New England Patriots, when he was so upset about "deflate-gate," and he said, earlier that year, during the controversy, that he never wanted to win a game as badly as that Super Bowl, except Brady succeeded (unfortunately for our local team, the Seahawks), and I didn't.  It's a new year, though, and they still "inspire" me almost 3 years later, but give the devils their due, since they qualified me for the King County Council in '09.  [See links to previous posts in last several hours, further below.]

Note:  The questionnaire that the Municipal League of King County squashed (never published) in 2015, as was the case with everybody else's that year (their questions that I answered and returned to them were turned into subtitles for my post/publication).

Related post:  An Unholy Alliance

Previous posts:  "On Your Mark ..." & "Moore vrs. Pellicciotti Could Be a Good Idea"

[Revised on 2/6/18.]
