Outrageous! Mayor Ferrell Presents Key to the City to Former Publisher

Key Given to the Sleazy "Mr. Federal Way"

In his recent column, Bob Roegner, a.k.a. "Rogue-ner," outed Rudi Alcott, the former publisher of the Mirror newspaper, as Mr. Federal Way, a column that is (was) caricatured with "blackface," as Alcott himself isn't close in physically resembling the caricature he wrote under, a la sleazy turn-of-the-20th-century minstrel show tactics and imitations.  This column has been so full of sleaze, distortion, dishonesty and innuendo -- in other words, "full of it" -- that it has apparently divided its readers over its newsworthy value or whether it has (had) any redeeming feature whatsoever, but many disapprove of it, and rightly so.  Yet, the mayor gives the city's highest award to Alcott, who did everything he could to tear down my 2015 council candidacy with this column, and allowing "Rogue-ner" to follow suit.  Besides me, the publisher/columnist also insulted Ferrell a number of times, but the overall newspaper that he ran supported Ferrell's humpty-dumpty mayoralty, by and large, nonetheless.  Of course, the ridiculous so-called Mr. Federal Way doesn't actually live in Federal Way, according to "Rogue-ner."  Good riddance.

-- Mark Greene (F. W. Exploratory Mayoral Committee)

[Revised on March 15, 2017.]
