Nostradamus Speaks

[Updated at 8:35 A.M., 10/30/15.]

"Rogue-ner's" Back: In the Sullying Business
"Nostradamus," a.k.a. Bob Roegner (the Mirror's political columnist), is at it, again.  Where does he get this stuff?  Meaning Roegner's predictions, that aren't really predictions but wishes, and naturally, you don't need to take polls for wishing.  The thought of Roegner in the poll-taking business and getting a newspaper to publish the results?  Now, that's a Frankenstein if I ever heard of one.
Roegner called me "unknown."  Never mind that mine is the longest and one of the most active Council campaigns out there.  Also, I have been in the public eye in Federal Way since 2004, when I was in a U.S. Representative debate in the main public library, which received a fair amount of notice, and a discussion of the debate is in the Mirror archives.  I'm at least no more "unknown" than several of the other candidates for Federal Way City Council this year, across the spectrum of positions.

"Nostradamus" also called me "under-financed."  Remember when the late Janis Joplin sung that "freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose;" well, to take a page from the great singer, under-financed is just another word for not catering to Establishment-tied special interests.
Don't fall for Roegner's self-fulfilling prophecy trick.  He's no prophet.  The August 4th Primary results proved that.

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