The Campaign In April

Despite the lack of money, the campaign's going well.  I think the odds of my making the Top 2 in August are 50 - 50, and if I make it past the primary, pretty much the same for the General Election.  The campaign has been a lengthy slog since it started for me since January.  I have personally spoken to a thousand voters since then, and hoping to make it a thousand more before the primary.  Every single vote of a supporter is crucial.  Sitting the primary out is practically a half-vote for "Democrat," Assefa-Dawson, and a half-vote for union boss, Murrietta.

Anybody who wants to volunteer for this grassroots campaign should write, soon, the campaign committee is having another volunteer meeting, soon.  Remember, even an hour or two a month would help: campaign e-mail.

-- Mark Greene, candidate for Federal Way City Council (Position 1)

Previous post:  "Ran Against Adam Smith Twice."
