The Mirror newspaper chose to pick out just one candidate to put a solely negative connotation on for their announcement about candidate filings, that would be me. They could have just simply put my name down or said that I was either a legal assistant or a veteran, but they chose to introduce me as someone who has lost elections. The Mirror, rather than put an objective light on candidates and focus on issues and viewpoints, would rather try to influence the election to help their favorite candidate, in this case, a radical left-winger, Reeves. It seems the general staff is taking their cue from their dubious columnist, Bob Roegner; not saying much for yet another changing of the guard there, recently. Might not attend any of their candidate forums this year.
- Mark Greene For Representative (Website) - U.S.M.C. Veteran
- Mark Greene For Representative (Website) - U.S.M.C. Veteran