Spring Equinox

Bedeviled by inclement weather in the late winter, and annoying allergies and headaches, and going to my regular job regularly like most folks, I will admit that the active campaign has been snail-paced so far, but with Spring Equinox here today, I am promising my supporters to pick up the active campaign this week, I have 5000 campaign fliers to pass out, so there will be no excuses for not getting that done.  The first few campaign signs have been set up, and will gradually become a larger presence in the 30th District.  The great majority of the 100 signs should be up by Primary Day.  

By the way, it's been nice to not have any intra-G.O.P. challenges for the 30th District, Position 2 nomination so far.  Let's keep it that way all the way to the filing deadline, so that this campaign can keep the focus on Kristine Reeves' dismal representation.  An intra-party primary battle will only help Reeves & Pellicciotti, but we do need either Bob Celski, Mark Koppang or Martin Moore to step up and run against Pellicciotti and Adam Smith (preferably Celski for Congress, and Koppang for Position 1).  Come on guys, it's not like Reeves and Pellicciotti won landslides in 2016, and Smith is a mediocrity that has been in Congress way too long.   

Also, I need campaign volunteers to help me win this year (no pay for this work except, maybe, a stipend).  If interested, use the "Contact" on my campaign website, or just call me (my phone number is emblazoned on every page of the website).  Thank you.

- Mark Greene for Representative (Website) -  U.S.M.C. Veteran
