When I was reading about a Republican man in Washington, D.C. who had a hard time getting dates in our nation's capital because of his party identification, what surprised me most was not his difficulty in getting dates in a predominately Democratic city, but that his use of a dating app. to meet women was apparently his main source of initiating social contact with the opposite sex. With radical feminist pressure on males not to even look at females in public, let alone speak to them about anything other than work or business related matters (yet, culturally, males are greatly expected to initiate social contacts and meetings with women), it is little wonder that dating apps. and sites are enjoying a boom.
Political and radical feminist pressure on males to be confined like robots and not to speak socially to women at work, and increasingly other public places, is twisting our culture weirdly, and the only way anyone will get married anymore, if this keeps up, is meeting through computerized programs. After all, people spend around 30% of their time at work in today's society.
It's a good thing this kind of pressure wasn't around in the '50s since my father and mother met at the insurance company they worked for, or I wouldn't have been born. Today, my father would have been fired for even saying "hi" to my mother.
This is not to say that some males (or females) don't go over the line of respectability and civility in work settings, or that some disciplinary measures are not necessary, but there is a balance between submitting to today's feminist hysteria and tolerating dissolute behavior. Otherwise, dating apps. are our present and our future, and a lot of American marriages and births simply will not happen.
- Mark Greene for Representative (Website) - U.S.M.C. Veteran
[Revised on 3/13/18.]
Political and radical feminist pressure on males to be confined like robots and not to speak socially to women at work, and increasingly other public places, is twisting our culture weirdly, and the only way anyone will get married anymore, if this keeps up, is meeting through computerized programs. After all, people spend around 30% of their time at work in today's society.
It's a good thing this kind of pressure wasn't around in the '50s since my father and mother met at the insurance company they worked for, or I wouldn't have been born. Today, my father would have been fired for even saying "hi" to my mother.
This is not to say that some males (or females) don't go over the line of respectability and civility in work settings, or that some disciplinary measures are not necessary, but there is a balance between submitting to today's feminist hysteria and tolerating dissolute behavior. Otherwise, dating apps. are our present and our future, and a lot of American marriages and births simply will not happen.
- Mark Greene for Representative (Website) - U.S.M.C. Veteran
[Revised on 3/13/18.]