The Federal Way Mirror Is Relentless In Promoting Reeves' Campaign

After reneging on publishing my press release with the release of their latest edition, the Mirror published Kristine Reeves' Op./Ed. in that edition, which is all well and good for them to do, but there's no overall equilibrium, and I have a feeling that they don't intend for there to be.  On their on-line edition, today, they have a photo of Reeves crying about the bump stock debate (of course, I think a ban is well in order) although, as far as I can ascertain, Reeves hasn't said or written a word about the gun safety/control issue, maybe not even in that scene in which she's pictured, so I still have no idea where Reeves stands on gun safety except, presumably, on bump stocks through her vote (don't even see that the Mirror noted whether her vote was "yea" or "nay").  My position on gun safety is quite clear, phase out military-style/grade weapons by banning sales. 

The Mirror's political columnist, Bob "The Rogue-ster" Roegner, regularly promotes Reeves, especially as soon as the next election season appeared on the horizon right after the last one.  I will do my best to make sure that the public knows that the Federal Way Mirror is an arm of Kristine Reeves' campaign, and they're not even trying to be subtle about it.  Not even the left-wing Seattle Times is so blatantly biased in promoting their favorite politicians.

- Mark Greene for Representative (Website) -  U.S.M.C. Veteran

Related post:  Communication With the Mirror: Fini

[Revised on 2/27/18.]
