Homelessness: Solutions, Not Task Forces

The Mirror reported recently that Mayor Jim Ferrell is creating a task force for the homeless, but homelessness doesn't need to be studied more, we already know what the causes are, and the primary one is outrageous rent costs imposed by Robber Barron landlords.  What the mayor and Council need to do is come up with some quality living spaces, including construction building programs, whether actual or starting; rooms, apartments, townhouses, duplexes and shelters, at perhaps, both, no cost and nominal costs, depending on a particular individual's situation, and allow people to use them; and regulation of rental housing that would cause landlords and real estate companies to seriously contemplate reducing their costs.  That's what's needed, not task forces.  Task forces do nothing except say that we have a problem, but we already know that.  What we need now are solutions, and that means actual living spaces where people can live in standards that a civilized society should provide, and wouldn't mind living in themselves.

- Mark Greene for Representative (Website) -   (U.S.M.C. Veteran)

[Revised on 2/7/18.]
