Campaign Start

The active campaign has finally started as I will be going to all corners of the 30th District to win this election and bring the Common Man's voice to the state capitol.  This will be a low budget campaign not contributed to by corporations and big shots, unlike that of Kristine Reeves' campaign, because frankly, why would they donate to me?   After all, my campaign doesn't represent their special interests, or that of their similarly rich buddies that single-mindedly put their interests above that of the greater commons.  This campaign stands for progress, personal responsibility, environmental consciousness and tradition, and respecting all facets of our libertarian U.S. Constitution, not just picking and choosing which we prefer, because that's not how it works.  If we want something changed, Americans go through the amendment process that the Constitution provides.

I can't write this article without thinking about the school tragedy in Florida that happened today; my sympathy to all victims.  As long as America continues to tolerate these continuing massacres that have been practically ubiquitous in the news, then we have all but ceased being a functioning civilized country. 

- Mark Greene for Representative (Website) -  U.S.M.C. Veteran
