Answering "Rogue-ner's" Name Calling

I have answered columnist Bob Roegner's attack on me as a "perennial candidate" by agreeing with him that, yes, politics has been a major part of my life, and I've even published a complete list of the offices that I have run for on my state representative campaign website.  The list and a foreword to it is in the About section.  Hopefully, this and other responses to "The Rogue-ster," like a General Election victory for me in the fall, will be a boomerang that shocks him, and sends him running back to his nursing home, where I hear "The Jerry Springer Show" is playing daily in the community TV room.

- Mark Greene for Representative (Website) -   (U.S.M.C. Veteran)

Note: Updated "My 2018 Slogan" post with some clarification in the 3rd paragraph about my proposed 28th Amendment.
