Greenness Versus Experience

I probably should have made this as my closing remarks, but I noticed that some people in the audience at the debate seemed to think, given the rate of applause at some points, that I should have been a little more technical in some of my responses than the two candidates for mayor that have, more or less, a combined 20 years in Federal Way government.  Yet, for all of Ferrell's and Honda's experience, there is this perception in Federal Way that particular problems persist for long periods, but are never fully addressed in a way that solves them. 

You see, experience is great to a certain degree, but often overrated, especially when you are so boxed in to certain precepts and orthodoxies that you cannot think outside the box significantly or at all.  No one person is ever going to have all the answers, and there is never going to be a Garden of Eden until the Day of the Lord arrives (as reflected in the New Testament), which is why when we elect individuals to office, we're really electing teams, but at least let's elect a team that has some original ideas and can think outside the box a little, even if the lead person is a little green.  My team may include John Starbard and Melinda Irvine, will be economically-for-the-people, environmentally-conscious, and have an All-American, working-class ethos. 

-- Mark Greene, Official Candidate for Mayor of Federal Way

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