Apartment Residents May Become More Politically Active

Councilwoman Dini Duclos said something to the effect that not everybody can afford to live in a house or wants to, which is pretty much the understatement of the century (especially the affordability part), but then she turned around and voted for the 2nd moratorium anyway.  Well, see the resulting chaos in America if every apartment was closed down or had Draconian rules placed on them.  Some of the comments about apartments from some snobbish suburban council people in King County, not just Federal Way, are downright crazy, especially considering that many of these same politicians are welcoming internationalism and globalization with open arms, resulting in, to date, the almost doubling of America's Bi-centennial (1976) population.

If politicians want to criticize apartments, then criticize real estate tycoons who are taking economic advantage of tenants through rent gouging.  At least, Councilman Martin Moore, to his credit, is the only one on the Federal Way City Council who has the decency to consistently vote against anti-apartment bias, particularly the two moratoriums.  With any luck, apartment residents will become more politically active, especially by registering to vote & voting in their own interests, but also attending and speaking at Council & Legislative meetings (by the way, I have decided to start making regular appearances on "Pharaoh TV," starting early next year).

-- Mark Greene (F.W. Exploratory Mayoral Committee)

Previous post:  Ferrell & Council to Apartment Folks: Prison Stripes 

Apartment Residents, Homeowners & Integrity-minded Citizens can change our government in 2017:  All-American Relief.

[Revised on Dec. 13, 2016.]
