"Rogue-ner's" Sanctimony

With all the hypocrisy and self-righteousness coming from some anti-Trump ranks in light of the latest so-called scandals (although I'm neither for Trump or Clinton, but will vote "third party"), it made me think about the sanctimonious buffoon that works for the Federal Way Mirror, Bob Roegner, as I fully expect "Rogue-ner" and his sidekick, "Mr. Anonymous," to be problems for me during next year's mayoral campaign.  "Rogue-ner" is the columnist who implied, around last year's Council election (I believe it was after), that he was so infatuated with Councilwoman's Lydia Assefa-Dawson's smile (now, we know it was roaring, aged hormones - what's left of them - that put him so decisively in her ranks), that he was beside himself with ecstasy. 

"Rogue-ner" talks about compassion for "the homeless" like he is the only person in south King County that's wants to help people without homes have stability and decent living standards (and infers that he has utter contempt for Trump).  Unfortunately for "Rogue-ner's" credibility regarding his concern for the poor, the Elephant in the Room is that he was once the Mayor of Auburn (believe it or not), and didn't do one single thing differently than all the other politicians in King County, who talk until the cows come home, but actually do close to completely, utterly nothing to help people without homes or shelter.  By and large, their interest about doing anything to reverse the Calcutta-ization of our society is smaller than a thimble, as the overwhelming majority of them are loathe to offend real estate tycoons that enrich themselves and the campaign accounts of their favorite politicians through other people's homelessness and misery, not to mention that the globalist agenda of today's rank-and-file politicians has increased the U.S. population almost by double since the Bi-centennial (1976), which of course makes homelessness doubly, at least, hard to fix. 

"Rogue-ner" is a typical hack politician, posing as a journalist, who writes not quite as good about his heartfelt compassion for the poor as Michelle Obama pretends to be so anguished and overwrought by Trump, as if she has never seen the likes of Trump anywhere before in her life (by the way, she should be nominated for "Best Actress" for next year's Academy Awards).  "Rogue-ner" is a modern-day Pharisee whose compassion for those whom society has threw out and ignored -- the same society that throws out the unborn (see a pattern) -- is pure sanctimony.

[Revised on Oct. 17, 2016.]
