Just Thinking About Mayoral Candidacy

Ferrell & Roegner:  A Pox on Both Your Houses

This is not an announcement for mayor of Federal Way (at this time), even though I am thinking about foregoing any election for 2016, other than a possible court-ordered re-do of the Federal Way City Council election for Position 1 (a court hearing for that is coming up soon), and/or possibly entering the mayor's race in 2017.  As for that mayor's race, I would rather that Kelly Maloney or Susan Honda challenge Jim Ferrell, but if one of them doesn't, the possibility of me entering the race is a strong possibility.  Thinking of Honda and another woman who just announced her candidacy for the statehouse this year, maybe it's time for the ascendancy of the nurses in Federal Way and Legislative District 30.  Ferrell definitely shouldn't be unopposed in the mayor's race next year, that would be a great missed opportunity for the city to get out of the quicksand of stagnation, corruption and turmoil since his years began in 2014. 

It's all I can do to push GMO labeling onto the ballot this year, somehow, rather than get involved in personal electoral politics so soon, again, although it's tempting in this so-called Season of the Outsider.  The U.S. senator's race this year is still an option for me, but likely not in the cards.  So I will bide my time and consider my options in local politics before I try for the big leagues, again.  You practically need a scorecard to separate the scoundrels from the decent people in politics in our area.  Watching two high profile F.W. politicos like Ferrell and "Rogue-ner" go after one another is like watching two weasels (or tarantulas) battle each other, a little feud in the "family of scoundrels," and with any luck the common folk will be able to pick up whatever electoral spoils might come from their family spat in 2017.

[Revised on 4/2/16]
