Case Filing Energy

It's been a long year, but my energy has not waned.  I am still vigorously trying to get a recount of the Federal Way City Council, Pos.1 Election through court action, and I am assiduously going through the arduous research/paperwork that it will take to bring this case to court.  King County wants to charge me thousands of dollars to have a recount, and AFTER certification, which would accomplish nothing, so I reject that since I have cause (see previous essay) to have a recount through regular election procedures, or a new election for the regular council term, as opposed to the short, unfinished term that was handed to Ferrell unopposed, and then handed to Assefa-Dawson after Ferrell's ascendency to the mayor's office.  It's not easy, but I'm hoping to have this case in court by this week, but at the latest Monday.  I must get this case to court in time to stop the certification.

Update (3:00 P.M.):  Even if the summons cannot be issued or the court cannot handle this case before the 24th of November certification date, the court can still find it in their power to overturn the election if a recount justifies that, or to order a new election for the regular term.
