The Federal Way Mirror's Political Columnist's Lies & Distortions

[Updated with new sentences and phrases at 6:00 P.M., 8/17/15.]

 Does Bob Roegner Need Some New Eyeglasses?

I wish Bob Roegner's usual weekly column had been posted on Friday, as usual, instead of today, so I could get on with conducting my campaign for Council rather than correct more misinformation, to put it nicely, that's going out to thousands of their (the Federal Way Mirror's) readers, which evidently is the point of his falsehoods.  It's looks like I have an extra opponent besides Lydia Assefa-Dawson for the General Election, as Roegner is rather disingenuous.  Roegner implied that this blog, believe it or not, was my main contact with the Federal Way public.  Can Roegner see the number of page views from the previous 30 day period that's updated daily on this blog?  It's a very low number, and has been, especially when divided by 30.  I wish it was higher, but obviously this blog is not as significant as Roegner implies.  

In fact, when Roegner says that I am not involved in community affairs, that is a lie.  I'm not with a well-known organization, but I assist one by making in-kind donations to them, and I have my own organization through which plenty of Federal Way citizens know me.  It's called "Democracy In Election Process," which was explained in the Primary voters' pamphlet that Roegner was also "blinded" from seeing.  This organization helps people with civic affairs, and legal and election matters, as well as helping citizens maneuver governmental bureaucracy. 

Also, Roegner may know about this blog, but he doesn't tell the truth about what this blog has related, namely, that I have campaigned very hard for this election and the previous congressional election in the 9th Congressional District, that includes Federal Way, and have had contact with thousands of Federal Way citizens in the process.  That's the main reason why I came in second place.  The people have actually seen me in person talking to them about government and answering their questions.  They've actually seen me for years in FW, since '04.  I don't sit in an office all day.  A handful of blog viewers a day hardly guided me to the General Election alone, but of course the supporters of this campaign that view it regularly or at all have helped tremendously.

Roegner's most recent article is worst than anything else I've seen from him, and I've seen some pretty shady work by him, as this isn't the first time that he's gotten his facts wrong about me.  However, it's one thing to get facts wrong by error and bad information, and another thing to do it deliberately.  Unless he has reporters following me around, how does he know how hard I campaign?   It's pretty apparent that Bob Roegner is actively trying to help Lydia Assefa-Dawson win the election through lies, distortions and misinformation about me and my campaign, and it will probably backfire.  It's a shame that the Federal Way Mirror has stooped to this level.

-- Mark Greene, Candidate for Federal Way City Council, Position 1 

Rebuttal to Roegner:  Published in Mirror

Related Post:  "Federal Way Knew Greene Before Roegner's Column Started"

[Updated & revised on 9/4/15.]
