Mr. Anonymous & The Mirror Don't Like That Voters Didn't Follow Their Wishes, and They're Very Upset

It might be the Federal Way Mirror's comic section, but it's part of their continuous drum beat to derail and defeat my campaign since the upset of the 4th of August, and plain politics by their buffoonish writer whose name we're not allowed to know, and whose ideas are as sleazy-looking as the purported caricature of Mr. Anonymous that's regularly posted.  Mr. Anonymous' rant from August 18th was intentionally nasty and insulting to much of Federal Way, but was given top billing by Mirrorland, of course.  This general temper tantrum by the Mirror, including from the other sleazy columnist, who does his best to put on an air of respectability ... "I was the Mayor of Auburn," and so forth ... is unprecedented in elections that I have had some successes in.  So when the Establishment starts going into a frenzy over the success of a real populist (person of the people) like me, that's when I know that I'm close to a majority in November. 

Mr. Former Mayor of Auburn is probably over in his office pounding his fist up and down the table with incredulity, "Didn't those folks read all those unflattering sentiments and shady innuendos that I reflected on him (do I have to spell it out)?  How did we lose this?"  Meanwhile, Mr. Anonymous is beside himself with anxiety and could be on the verge of a nervous breakdown at the prospect of the voters not voting the way he and the Mirror wants them to in Autumn, and no doubt huddling with Mr. Former Mayor on what's Plan B (or is it Plan C by now).  Plan B (or C) is probably stepping firmly onto Rope-A-Dope Territory. 

Previous Post: Back to Issues: 8th Feedback From the People

[Revised on 9/1/15.]
