Postponement of Questionnaire Answers

Today and yesterday were one of those unexpectedly hectic times for me, as everybody experiences every now and then, so I didn't get around to posting my answers to the Municipal League of King County questionnaire, today, as I had scheduled.  Tomorrow doesn't particularly look good for having an abundance of spare time either, so I am now going to say that June 7th will be the posting date for the questionnaire. 

-- Mark Greene, candidate for Federal Way City Council (Position 1)

Letters to the Editor:  My supporters may want to write letters to the editor on my behalf to the Federal Way Mirror, the Seattle Times and the Tacoma News Tribune.  Thank you!

Potential volunteers:  Write to e-mail address noted below or P.O.B.  Thank you!

Contributions:  $5 or $10 donations are welcome, and will be used for fliers, leaflets, buttons and post cards.  Mail checks or money orders to post office box with assignment to "Mark Greene for City Council."  Thank you!
Facebook:  Search the following term on Facebook, to reach the official Mark Greene for Federal Way City Council page:
  • Mark-Greene-for-Federal-Way-City-Council-Committee
Thank you!

-- Mark Greene for City Council Campaign Committee
    P.O. Box 25781, Federal Way, WA 98093

e-mail:  (link)
