The Mirror's Article About Candidates

The Federal Way Mirror published a detailed article about candidates from Federal Way filing for various public offices, including the City Council.  This is recommended reading for all voters who want to know the names of all candidates running for office in our community.  The Mirror noted that Position 1 on the Council was the only one of 4 Council races (one of those with only one candidate, and thereby unopposed) that has a Primary.  I'm in that Primary, so please remember to vote in July and August.  Thank you!

-- Mark Greene, candidate for Federal Way City Council (Position 1)

Letters to the Editor:  My supporters may want to write letters to the editor on my behalf to the Federal Way Mirror, the Seattle Times and the Tacoma News Tribune.  Thank you!

Potential volunteers:  Write to e-mail address noted below or P.O.B.; our next meeting will probably be sometime in June.  Thank you!

Contributions:  $5 or $10 donations are welcome, and will be used for fliers, leaflets, buttons and post cards.  Mail checks or money orders to post office box with assignment to "Mark Greene for City Council."  Thank you! 

-- Mark Greene for City Council Campaign Committee
P.O. Box 25781, Federal Way, WA 98093
    e-mail:  (link)
