Mirror Publishes Article About Greene Campaign

REVISED: The Federal Way Mirror published an internet article on March 12 (also expected to be in the regular paper) about my campaign for Federal Way City Council, similar to other articles about declared local candidates for public office thus far, in that it pretty much detailed a press release sent out by the campaign.  I and the general campaign were impressed, yesterday, with the neutrality of the primary press/media in Federal Way, as it's pretty much the only one we have.  Besides the Mirror, I'm not really aware of any other press or internet coverage of F.W. politics, with the exception of fairly rare coverage by the Tacoma News Tribune and the Seattle Times (if you know of any other, please, write about that in the "comments" field of this blog).

-- Mark Greene, candidate for Federal Way City Council (Position 1)

[revised on 3/13/15]
