Business Group Forum

The forum/luncheon by the business group, the Federal Way Chamber of Commerce, in which candidates for public office were invited, was held yesterday, and I attended.  Regarding the flash card "yes or no" questions, the only vote in which I was undecided about was the question about whether or not there should be public votes for major capital facilities.   As the flash card question and answer format is very quick and allows for virtually no contemplation, I chose the "undecided" card even though I generally favor public votes on this and other major matters. 

However, if a public vote had been held once, and another attempt was made to change the outcome, or to change the question in some way around basically the same issue, I would not necessarily support that.  Also, if a measure was funded by outside forces (not city related) with huge amounts of special interest money, I would be suspicious of that and probably not supportive.  So there are a lot of variables and nuances involved with that question, which for me depends on the democracy component/fairness surrounding an issue or issues, on a case-by-case basis, thus my decision not to give a definitive yes or no answer.

-- Mark Greene, Candidate for Federal Way City Council, Position 1

Note: The Federal Way Mirror recently wrote about this event.

[Revised on 10/12/15.]
