Mark Greene: The Only Council Candidate All Year Without Establishment Donors & Dollars
It has been interesting perusing the Public Disclosure Commission website, tonight, and seeing how the other Federal Way City Council candidates, for all open position numbers, are getting Establishment dollars from varied places, including the mayor, former mayors, state representatives, union organizations, real estate interests, sitting and former council members, and so forth ... but not a single one of them has contributed a single dollar to my campaign. As far as I can see, every candidate in the General Election for Council except mine has received money from Establishment interests (not 100% sure about Assefa-Dawson, since somehow she gets "privileges" not to disclose individual donors for her campaign, but you can bet pretty securely that among the almost six thousand dollars she has reported, there's plenty of Establishment money within.) They were probably all surprised that I even made the General Election after the August 4th Primary.
Unless one of them sends me a joke dime or something, I can proudly announce and campaign on the fact that I am the only candidate for Council that hasn't received a dime from Establishment interests, because they realize that I am really the candidate of the people, as advisory votes would not just be advisory for me, but orders from the people, and that the weight of the people's opinions, as it would relate to my vote on the Council, would outweigh those of special interests by about a million to one.
So "surprise, surprise, surprise," they haven't given me a dollar, but if by some real surprise, I receive a few dollars, here and there, from the Establishment, I'll use their money for this campaign of the people, of course ... but more likely than not, the few dollars that come my way, these dollars (came and) will still have to come from the people. Thank you! -- Mark Greene, Council candidate (Pos. 1)
"... and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
-- President Abraham Lincoln
Previous post: Are Unnamed Contributors Bankrolling the Assefa-Dawson Campaign?
[Revised on 8/16/15.]