Greene Campaign to File Complaint to P.D.C.

Probable Dereliction of Duty by the Assefa-Dawson Campaign

The Mark Greene for City Council Campaign will be filing a complaint to the Public Disclosure Commission this week about his General Election opponent's campaign's, Lydia Assefa-Dawson's, failure to disclose individual donors of a reported $5,763.50 in funds.   To date, Assefa-Dawson has not listed names of donors through the electronic reporting program that the P.D.C. has for candidates who choose the full reporting option on their C-1 report.  If a campaign is going to use "full reporting," they have an obligation to disclose donors in a circumscribed amount of time, which likely has long since passed in the Assefa-Dawson campaign's case.

For a somewhat more detailed account of this probable dereliction of duty by the Assefa-Dawson campaign, see this past post.

[Revised on 8/17/15.]
