Gradually Falling Into Rope-A-Dope Territory
Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell probably finds the Mirror's political columnist, Bob Roegner, as odious as I do -- maybe, a tad less so -- but is a lot more guarded, given his position, about letting his feelings out publicly. Nonetheless, City Hall probably had a good chuckle in reading Roegner's latest claptrap as they likely know better than anybody of how hard of a campaigner I am, with the exception of a presumed (my best guess) 50% of the approximately 2900 that voted for me, since that half, more or less, actually witnessed me campaigning. City Hall knows very well that I energized my way into the General Election by sheer hustle, but is delighted that the hack at the Federal Way Mirror is trying to do me in with blatant lies and innuendo. So with the triumvirate of City Hall, the Municipal League and Roegner all aligned against me, my only recourse is to take a page from Senator Pam Roach, who is probably the best rope-a-dope politician in America. The dopes that came up with the idea of putting non-related opposite sex, opposite party politicians together on a commercial to gang up on her are just the kind of dopes that I need to win the November 3rd election.
-- Mark Greene, Candidate for Federal Way City Council, Position 1
Previous posts: 1.) "Carrie Rodriguez Should Fire Mr. Roegner"
2.) "The Federal Way Mirror's Political Columnist's Lies and Distortions"
[Revised on 8/20/15.]