
It's kind of like chess, but 30th District-style:  So Martin Moore, anointed as a knight by the bishop, Miloscia, switched sides (D to R) just like his cagey sidekick-turned-elder statesman, and then probably figured out that he wasn't established enough to pull off the same neat trick of getting promoted to higher office; in other words, not having years of elected experience, or sufficient cross-party support, as "His Puritanicalness" had before his political comeback.  Nevertheless, Lydia Assefa-Dawson (D), has already cast her lot with this duo of opportunists still trying to overturn the Democratic Party majority in the State House of Representatives only shortly after Miloscia succeeded in overturning the tentative, shaky majority that Democrats had in the Senate.  Moore, after his withdrawal from the legislative race, reportedly is supporting the latest "R" challenger (Hickel) in that race.   All the while, as the momentum of politics in Washington state might again be decided in the 30th District, it is the people that are being rooked by politics as usual.

[Revised on 3/28/15.]

New Post:  Still a Three-way Race, So Far
