3rd Feedback From the People

    Several F.W. citizens said that apartment rents are getting out of control with increasingly rising rates, and at least one person noted that laws may be needed to rectify the problem.
          • Someone noted the negative aspects of gentrification in general and presumably in F.W. 
          • Several people have said that property taxes are too high (property taxes affect both homeowners and renters).
          • Again, traffic congestion was raised as an issue, specifically around or near the 320th Ave. & Pacific Highway S. intersection during "rush hours," as a woman related that the problem is persistent and perplexing.
          • Several voters have said that this (Greene) campaign is a refreshing change from the usual political landscape and that they would be casting their vote accordingly.

Campaign website:  A For Federal Way Citizens Campaign

One of the most important jobs of a politician is to listen to what their constituents, or the people that may elect them to office, are saying, and listening, generally, instead of pontificating on their own ideas and polishing up their speeches.  So I have been listening.  Keep in mind that these points are coming directly from the people of Federal Way, and that I may or may not agree with particular points, here, but I do realize that if I'm elected to the Council, my job is to represent what the majority of the people want, and sometimes to persuade and vote from my own point of view if there is a fairly close divide amongst the people.  My apology if I didn't list something that you told me, but Feedback from the People is going basically by recollection right now as I didn't write down anything, though hoping to be more comprehensive as time goes by.
