Would-Be All-American Mayoralty

Mayoral Challenger's Campaign Slogan for '17 Election: 

"All-American Relief"

It's amazing how so-called global citizens like Sawant, Assefa-Dawson, Jayapal (an extreme globalist running for Congress in a district that she doesn't even live in), and others in Washington state, have somehow managed to ingratiate themselves to voters without having to go through much of an American civics learning curve before being voted into high & relatively high elected office.  It's truly amazing that America, through the current Establishment political class, is turning over the country to globalized & internationalist interests rather than following our American traditions, and keeping our relatively young, 240 year old historical culture intact.  It won't be long until America is turned up-side-down if the globalist trend continues unabated (and we're already one-quarter turned, dismayingly), in which our nation won't be anything like what we remember -- even from this point, let alone a glorious past -- and likely will not keep our constitutional and other values long into the future.  You can see by certain decisions/appointments that the mayor of Federal Way has made in his administration, Ferrell has thrown in his lot with the globalist cabal, and a big part of his philosophy is internationalism.

You can be sure that if I am elected mayor, All-Americanism in F.W. will soon be our mainstay.  Of course, detractors may twist and distort "All-American" anyway they want (Rogue-neresque like), and I wouldn't be surprised, but it simply means that American culture, respected values and traditions will be foremost and uppermost in a Greene mayoralty.

-- Mark Greene (F.W. Exploratory Mayoral Committee)

Topic of past post:  Greene Will Add 40 More Police Officers to F.W. Police Dept. if Elected Mayor Compared to Ferrell's 9

[Revised on Nov. 10, 2016.]
