Prospective Greene Mayoralty (All-American Relief Checklist)

As I related in a former post, I will hire somebody with former city administration/management experience to be Chief of Staff if I'm elected Mayor.  High on the list for being interviewed, if he's interested, will be John Starbard, former City Manager of Newcastle (I believe he's presently doing some kind of management work for King County).  Starbard was one of the few politicos in Newcastle that treated people's candidates with respect.  I will probably interview 4 or 5 candidates for Chief of Staff.

Note: this post's link is on the Pages column, under "All-American Relief," and names for possible Chief of Staff candidates and other positions may be added on, intermittently.

[Revised on 11/9/16.]

-- Mark Greene (F.W. Exploratory Mayoral Committee)
