Censorship Paper

The Mirror, as par for the course, censored my comment on Bob Roegner's (Rogue-ner's) column today, a comment which was kind of a gentlemanly correction of a couple of distortions that he made.  No time to get into specifics today, but look for an update in a day or two. 

Incidentally, the Mark Greene for Mayor Exploratory Committee website started today, and since it's in the very beginning stages, has a fairly rudimentary look to it, with few words about the campaign so far, not that this campaign is going to over-do it with the wording at any point.  Concise and to the point will be the order of the day.

Note: took off the post regarding my name (Clifford Mark Greene) from the site, today, but will soon re-post it on the "pages" section.

-- Mark Greene  (F.W. Exploratory Mayoral Committee)

[Revised on Nov. 19, 2016.]
