Voters' Pamphlet Statement II

Mark Greene - Candidate for Federal Way City Council, Position 1

Education: Inver Hills Comm. College, State of Minnesota, A.A.S. Degree; University of

Occupation: Chairman of Democracy In Election Process, Legal Assistant,

Statement: Campaign motto: “Don’t spend taxpayers’ money extravagantly.”

Paraphrasing President Ronald Reagan’s “Trust but verify,” regarding (general media/organizations), I’d say “Reason before giving blind faith.” I supported Councilwoman Maloney’s amendment to have a Vote of the People on Primary ballot ....

Making sure that FW’s budget prioritizes basic responsibilities. Wouldn’t have approved Performing Arts Center that .... (but ...) Finding privately financed ways to revitalize downtown.

Accomplishments: My organizations help many people with civic affairs; legal
matters; maneuvering governmental bureaucracy. Challenged KC Elections
in court and at ballot box (received 22% for Director in 2011) with long memory of
‘04 congressional/gubernatorial elections. Started “Feedback from the People”
on my blog, meaning I’m meeting thousands of FW citizens personally, asking
many about their concerns regarding government. Sponsor of former Initiative
1338 that tried to tell consumers whether GMOs are in particular foods or not.
