In Big Business's Pocket

It's telling that the Mayor of Federal Way, Jim Ferrell, decided to make his State of the City speech in front of some Chamber of Commerce gallery, where elites gather, instead of City Hall, the People's place.  This just goes to show that the phony Democrat [he changed from Republican not long before the election(s) for mayor] is doing the bidding of big business rather than toiling for the Common Man. 

From Mark Greene's mayoral campaign website: 
     The Ferrell Mayoralty: "fiscal mismanagement, money-grubbing shenanigans, sleaze (e.g. "Big Brother" rules for apartments), costly boondoggles, rampant crime, waste, litter, poor re-cycling policies, and listlessness.

For Donation to Challenger's Committee: send to "Mark Greene for Mayor Exploratory Committee:" P.O. Box 25781, Federal Way, WA 98093

[Reposted and revised on March 20, 2017.]
